We have been published in De Nijmegenaar
Boris begint beroemd te worden! Met dank aan wat vrienden zijn we in contact gekomen met iemand op de redactie van de...
Boris begint beroemd te worden! Met dank aan wat vrienden zijn we in contact gekomen met iemand op de redactie van de...
Last Saturday we had a fundraiser at cafe van Ouds in Nijmegen. Around 50 off Nijmegen finest join us to help us...
Today Boris went to Kuipers Print and Sign in Groningen to get his make-up done, so he will shine on the 16th...
Today we arranged the basis for our roof rack. Some colleges of Tom helped him by stretching the mounts so they would...
So yesterday Boris got acquainted with Patrick van de Boogert (owner of Boogert Compétition Automobile ) and Jeroen van de Boogert (owner...
The adventure has begun, Boris is getting physically in shape for the journey! People are donating money! And thnx to you the next...